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Below, is a flyer advertising a speech by Schaeffer Cox that he gave at the Carlson Center, in Fairbanks, on December 1, 2010.
This flyer was an insert in the Fairbanks Daily New-Miner newspaper on Nov. 27, 2010.

I did not agree with what the flyer said, but I always liked to go to his public speeches and listen to what he had to say.
I had a strong desire to discuss with Schaeffer about why I did not think the Alaska Court System was a "privately owned corporation" but I also wanted to hear why he thought it was.


Below, is the back side of the flyer that is pictured above.
It is titled "Common Law Complaint Form"


(I blotted out the phone numbers on the flyer.)
I attended Schaeffer's speech at the Carlson Center on Dec. 1, 2010. But there were a lot of people there and I didn't get the chance to talk to Schaeffer one on one. I wish I had tried a little harder to do so. But I had no inkling of what was to happen on March 10 (his arrest).

My next opportunity came at a follow up meeting at Denny's restaurant (Fairbanks, AK). But I messed up and didn't get there till the tail end of the meeting. I told Schaeffer that I'd like to come and observe his "common law" trial that was scheduled for the next day (Jan. 16, 2011) in the back room of Dennys. But, I told Schaeffer that I did not want to be a juror. In typical nice and gentle Schaeffer fashion, Schaeffer said (approx.): "That's OK Randy, we don't force anyone to do anything. If you just want to observe, that's fine." I had been worried that some people might pressure me into being a juror if they fell short of the requisite number of jurors.

I did not believe in the legitimacy of Schaeffer's common law trial, nor in its implied message that the Alaska court system was illegitimate. But I thought it would be fun to watch the proceedings. But as it turned out. I did not go to that Jan. 16 "common law" trial. So, Jan. 15, 2011 was the last time I saw or communicated with Schaeffer.

I had still wanted very much to talk to Schaeffer about that flyer and the sovereign citizen ideas and the thought of the Alaska court system being a "privately owned corporation". I did not believe in those notions. But I felt funny bringing it up at the tail end of the Jan. 15 Denny's meeting. I should have had the courtesy of showing up at that meeting, at the beginning. It felt awkward to make Schaeffer repeat himself. I'm mad at myself for not getting there on time. Maybe I could have gotten a glimmer of the storm clouds on the horizon, and maybe, possibly, I could have said something that would have helped bring out some sunshine.

I would not be asking for mercy for Schaeffer if I thought Schaeffer truly had had any specific plan or intention to harm any innocent person such as a TSA worker, trooper, court official or anyone else.

Schaeffer was a dynamic speaker. Maybe from time to time he swerved into some dramatics, showmanship, venting and bravado.

His militia, like any defense force, may have talked through hypothetical scenarios and gone on recon runs. But I think his "Peacemakers Militia" would always live up to its motto, which was "Defend All Aggress None."  

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Click here for page 3 -
mercy (advocated no impeachment)
for President Bill Clinton

(even though I didn't like his policies)

Click for page 4
Review of book by Bill Fulton,

undercover operative for the FBI.
Also, statement by Schaeffer Cox in court.

This website is written and paid for by Randy Griffin, PO Box 73653, Fairbanks, Alaska 99707